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Whilst Ultraskates have been happening for some time now, many will have never heard of it. 

The following videos & photos have been compiled to help you discover the world of endurance distance skateboarding & longboard, and offer some clarity on what an UltraSkate is. 

Happy exploration. 

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UK Ultraskate 2023

Photos by Michael de bairacli Levy

(Additional photos provided by Dan Gough and Silvia Duedal)



'Day out promoting in London'

Spreading the word. Spreading the love. Spreading the stoke!

Out we went promoting the UK Ultraskate 2023 across London, hitting up some of the best longboarding spots in the city. Let’s hope we’ve recruited some new racers!


We need all of your help to get more people involved! Spread the word. Looking forward to seeing you there!


'Scouting the site'

In preparation for the UK Ultraskate 2023, over 15 venues were considered before we settled on Betteshanger. Heres a little taster of scouting out the site.


More videos to come soon. Otherwise, follow us on Facebook, for the latest updates, and content.

PUSH - The Film

'Chronicles the hunt for 300 miles'

The smash-hit premiere of the world's first long-distance skateboarding movie chronicles the hunt for 300 miles during the 24-hour Homestead-Miami Ultraskate and the band of skaters that made contributions to the sport. Directed by: Todd Hedge | Director of Photography: Juan Carlos Pena | Edited by: Iris Cegarra | Graphics by: Kevin Maschke


'24 Hour - Miami Homestead'

'The Official Recap Release of the 2019 24 Hour Ultraskate at the Homestead Miami Speedway. Please enjoy it and share the Stoke with everyone you know.' 


'The Dutch Ultra'

'Every year around a hundred skaters from all over the world gather to participate in the Dutch UltraSkate, a grueling 24 hour event where participants have to ride their longboard as far as they can. The track consists of a 3,15 kilometre / 1,96 mile loop, which is ridden in the counterclockwise direction. Every rider is allowed to spend the 24 hours how they like. While some choose to set up their tent, others choose to stay on their board for the full 24 hours.'


New to LDP (Long Distance (Pumping & Pushing) - Skateboarding & Longboarding) and need some advice?

We have compiled a list of useful sources of information. The list includes discipline specific social media groups, alongside documents that will help you both discover the sport and assist you on your journey to preparing for your first Ultraskate. 


Social Media Groups:






(Keen to contribute and provide additional resources? Please get in contact)

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